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We miss you! Until we get together again, we've added some activities you can do from home. Check out these virtual activities to try while social distancing and at home.

Time for Tots

Time for Tots is an inclusive program developed for basic building blocks for later academic achievement while
learning through playtime, art, music, and storytelling. Skills include recognizing letters, numbers, colors, shapes,
and creating social skills. Immunization record with current TB test results or negative TB assessment and birth
certificate are required at time of registration. Child must be potty-trained.

Ages: 3 - 5
Monday-Thursday / 9 am-12 noon
: 2 week sessions
Sessions begin: October 15, November 2, November19 and November 30
Sites: TownGate Community Center (morning session only)
Fee: Resident: $84.50/Non-resident: $109.80

Call 413.3280 for more information.


Additional Videos*

*The City of Moreno Valley does not endorse or affiliate with the creators nor content related to non-City produced links.

Get the latest scoop

See the Parks & Community Services programs, events and activities in the latest edition of the Soaring Activity Guide.

Fall Soaring