Traffic Safety Commission

Commission Meeting

The Traffic Safety Commission considers matters of traffic safety within the City; evaluates proposals for traffic control devices; and evaluates the need for striping, signing or other measures not of a regulatory nature. The Commission also educates the public on traffic issues and responds to public concerns regarding traffic and pedestrian safety.

Commission Members

Staff: Edward Init, Public Works/Transportation, and Barbara Hamilton, Senior Administrative Assistant

  • David Layne - Chair
    Term expires 6/30/27
  • Kimberly Wallen - Vice Chair
    Term expires 12/31/24
  • Esther Johnson
    Term expires 6/30/25
  • Zainab Alkhamaisi
    Term expires 6/30/25
  • Tyrone McCoy
    Term expires 6/30/26
  • Vacant
    Term expires 6/30/26
  • Vacant - Alternate Member
    Term to be determined

  • VVUSD-PTO Representative
    Stella Corbalan  

    Term expires 6/20/27
  • MVUSD-PTO Representative
    Jim Burleson
    Term Waived
  • VVUSD Representative

    Term waived
  • MVUSD Representative
    Term waived
  • VVUSD Student Representative

    Term waived
  • MVUSD Student Representative
    Term waived
  • Auto Club of SoCal

    Term waived
  • CA Dept. of Transportation Dist 8
    Term waived