City Council Redistricting 2014

Map of Moreno Valley

City Seeks Residents’ Ideas on a 2014 Redistricting Plan  

On February 25th, 2014, the City Council decided to ask voters whether to create the directly-elected office of Mayor and to redistrict the city into four city council districts. The City sought residents’ comments and ideas on how the new districts should be drawn. An on-line redistricting tool was available. The deadline to submit plans was April 16, 2014, to be included in the Consultant's report for April 22nd.

At the May 13, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting the City Council adopted Resolution 2014-33 selecting map Plan 2b as the Council district reapportionment plan to be incorporated into an ordinance submitted to the voters for approval of an Elected Mayor and four (4) Council districts.

The Ordinance is scheduled for a Second Reading at the June 10, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting. The Planning Commission will examine the ordinance and proposed Council districts as to the definiteness and certainty of the boundaries of the proposed districts and adopt a resolution making findings specified in Government Code Section 34875. Upon adoption of the resolution by the Planning Commission, the City Clerk is directed to bring before the City Council a resolution calling a municipal election, placing a measure concerning the direct election of the Mayor and reapportionment of Councilmanic districts on the municipal election ballot, and requesting consolidation of the municipal election with the statewide general election of November 4, 2014.

Community Meetings

Two special Community Meetings were held to discuss the proposed redistricting:

Date Time Location
March 31, 2014
April 16, 2014
6-8 p.m.
6-8 p.m.
Council Chambers, 14177 Frederick St.
Senior Center, 25075 Fir St.

Public Hearings

The City Council conducted three public hearings as part of regular City Council Meetings:

Date Time Location
April 8, 2014
April 22, 2014
May 13, 2014
6 p.m.
6 p.m.
6 p.m.
City Council Chamber, 14177 Frederick St.
City Council Chamber, 14177 Frederick St.
City Council Chamber, 14177 Frederick St.


2011 Adopted Maps

This map shows the current Moreno Valley City Council Districts.

Map of Council Districts

Adopted District Maps

2014 Redistricting Criteria

At the March 25, 2014, Regular City Council Meeting the Council adopted the following Redistricting Criteria: 

Equal Population among Council Districts

  • The boundaries of the districts shall be established so that the districts are at least as nearly equal in population as required by law.

Federal Voting Rights Act

  • The boundaries of the districts shall be established so that the districts do not result in a denial or abridgment of the right of any citizen to vote on account of race or color as provided in Section 2 of the federal Voting Rights Act.

Communities of Interest

  • The boundaries of the districts shall observe communities of interest, such as school- and park-connected neighborhoods, rural or urban populations, city planning areas, social interests, agricultural, industrial or service
    industry interests, and the like, insofar as practicable.

Compactness & Contiguity

  • The boundaries of the districts shall be compact, insofar as practicable.

Population Growth

  • To maintain a longer-term population balance, districts known to be areas of higher-than average population growth in the two to five years following redistricting may be under populated within the population deviation amounts allowed by law.

Acrobat Resolution No. 2014-24

2014 Draft Maps

National Demographics Corporation draft redistricting maps

  • Plan A - Simple Quadrants
  • Plan B - Community of Interest Adjustments
  • Plan C - Relatively Compact Adjustments

Submitted Draft Maps

Maps will be provided in Acrobat PDF format.

  • Submitted by Roy Bleckert
Public Plan 1a
Public 1a- Demographics
Public Plan 2 as Drawn Public Plan 2a
Public 2a- Demographics
Plan 2b

Plan 2c


  1. In the attachment below is a rough drawing of the proposed Council Districts
  2. I would like to work with NDC to come up with equal population & compliance with the FVRA
  3. This draft addresses Communities of Interest based on my 52 years of living in Moreno Valley, speaking with many members of the community & other Historical Data
  4. This draft address Compactness & Contiguity keeping traditional communities & address the diverse population & interests in Moreno Valley
  5. This draft address Population Growth in that all 4 districts have a close to equal amount of undeveloped property of less than 5 acres based on my reading of the affordable housing study , most of the undeveloped property above 5 acres is east of Lassalle St. which is reflected in the broken line on the prop map Taking this into account I would like to have 3 different proposals of this map to be submitted to Council
    1. That shades Dist. 1 the highest amount of population allowed under the std. deviation to account for the lack of large tracts of undeveloped property
    2. A Map that equalizes population as much as possible , but using major streets to draw dist lines , so within sub communities & housing tracts etc. one person is in one dist. & their neighbor across the St. is in another district
    3. A map that equalizes dist. as tight as possible in std deviation
  6. In my experience with Moreno Valley redistricting , the past Councils have not taken into account population growth or voter disenfranchisement , two examples of this Dist 3 in 2000-2010 grew @ a very disproportional rate , which led to a lot of voter disenfranchisement & significant redrawing or dist lines & in my view is a reason that the City is in a lawsuit on potential voter disenfranchisement causing the City extra expense in defending the lawsuit
  7. This proposed map seeks to mitigate the impacts of voter disenfranchisement & having to significantly redraw district lines in future redistricting

I welcome any comments, suggestions, criticisms & input on the proposed Draft Maps, in order that ultimately we as a community can draft the best possible scenario for redistricting, should the voters deiced to approve the proposed measure. Respectfully Submitted Roy Bleckert

The links below will take you to a third party website to view the submitted maps:

2011 Redistricting Information Archive

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14177 Frederick Street
PO Box 88005
Moreno Valley, CA 92552
Phone: 951.413.3000
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